iOS update 13.5 gives permission to automatically turn on “Contact Tracing & Reporting”.
“Apple and Google announced plans to build COVID-19 tracing into iPhone and Android operating systems on April 10. The move marked a major partnership between the top two mobile operating system competitors in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. Platform updates to enable the COVID-19 contact tracing feature on iOS and Android were publicly released 40 days later on May 20.”
According to 9to5Mac, 3 out of 50 states have created their own tracking app hooking directly to Apple and Google’s Exposure Notification API. Oregon has not commented yet if they are creating an app of their own, however, Oregon did introduce a bill last year (The Health Information Property Act) that would move one step closer to treating personal data as property, which if it passed, could be problematic for Apple and Google’s objectives.
However, many problems arise out of the idea that you become a mobile spy for two of the largest companies in the world. It would be foolish to trust their intentions that something like this wouldn’t be abused. In example, Oregon released a loose transcript added to their DHS paperwork:
“Effective 4/22/20, if in the course of an assessment a caseworker or supervisor makes the determination that a child will enter substitute care because their caregiver is infected with COVID-19, the caseworker or supervisor will need to select a newly created case note value for tracking these specific entries. The category is, “Other Note” and the type of the new value is, “Caregiver with C19,” as displayed in the screenshot below.”
Probable cause to test your family for COVID could be established if your phone enters ‘proximity’ of a person with COVID19. What would stop the DHS from linking to the Exposure Notification API, for the safety of the children, thus remove them from the home if any of the foster parents came into “proximity”?
Sounds like 1984? Impossible and fear driven? Fake news? Then answer this simple question. If Governor Kate Brown sent the DHS to the Salem Salon owner for opening up her Salon during lockdown because the State thinks she put her children in harms way, how would this be any different? It’s for the safety and protection of the children, right?
Corona testers are going to be a huge problem in the future. Any virus, disease or personal data can be added to this API stripping you of privacy. They are in the hands of public companies. Arguing that we need something like this to be safe is the same argument Nancy Pelosi gave at passing Obamacare, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
Well, we found out. Sure, you got insurance, but you now have to pay for it and the cost of drugs just went up 10 times the normal price. It’s still a train wreck 10 years later!
There is no doubt in my mind, given Bill Gates stands to make $200 billion from his vaccines, that this pandemic is going to be used to control and profit off your privacy. It’s disturbing and perplexing to me that people are ready to get the vaccine, even when they say it probably won’t work. It takes many years to make!
Allowing your personal smart phone to police this virus is asinine, unconstitutional and probably violates the Sherman Act. Any State that willfully accepts this invasion of privacy should be stripped of their powers. And unfortunately, you inadvertently allowed it to happen because you bought into their scare tactics for draconian powers.
I write for Take Oregon Back to expose Oregon’s corruption. I am trying to help people see problems before they occur. Make no mistake, we will never go back to the world we once knew. It’s up to us to turn this misguided ship around for our children’s children.
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