We are in a political war here in Oregon, and the Democrats took the lead with the ballot scandal. We at Take Oregon Back are about action, accountability is a must.
I believe it’s time for us to bring this ballot issue to the Full attention of the White House, and I think a letter writing campaign is the way to shed light on the problem they are currently trying to sweep under the rug here in Oregon. Include your Ballot and any proof you have and mail it to President Trump at, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500.
We also have several recalls that will need volunteers, Total Recall, and Recall Kate Brown can both be found on Facebook. Total Recall allows you to download your own petitions, the other will be providing them, or you can go to your local Republican office and they will provide the training and petitions. Douglas county can call Kathy Linn at 541-530-5600 to volunteer.
We are in serious trouble in this state, it’s going to take action to fix this mess, I know I can count on Oregonians to step up, and offer whatever they can. Oregon is redeemable, but it’s gonna take a lot of work, a fight that our very livelihood depends on, break out your patriotism and let’s get to work!
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