The unconstitutional agreement between OR, CA & WA has now been joined by CO & NV exposing the players whom all work for anybody else other than the American People.
Kate Brown sent an email letting everyone know:
The unconstitutional agreement between OR, CA & WA has now been joined by CO & NV exposing the players whom all work for anybody else other than the American People.
Kate Brown sent an email letting everyone know:
We do not want socialism. We donot want communism and we do not want self serving lying demoncraps in our government any more. Corruption whole.
I think these goveners should be arrested for sidition, and then hung, right after convicted. Any Democrat who protests , arrest them on the same charges. Population control.
Oh please these governors only care about themselves hurting our economy not one governor has fixed or help fix unemployment or helping our families be able to pay bills. Oregon’s governor only good at costing Oregonians there jobs no help at all having money to pay bills.
This is unconstitutional, and all 5 governors should be removed from office.
We need to be able to vote in person, mail in ballots leave too much room for error and fraud.
I want nothing to do with Oregon’s governor. She’s puppet and wannabe leader. She’s made a disgrace of our state.
Don’t the people have any say in this move at all?
Joining other states in this coalition is only to deflect criticism they are receiving. “It’s not me making these decisions”. What the he’ll do we have to do with Wa, Ca, Nv? Stand up, be a leader and lead Oregon. Kats fave is everywhere when she is banning straws or grocery bags(the important stuff) but when it comes to shutting down the state…. Kate can’t be found.