by James Carner | Jun 28, 2020 | 1984, Agenda 21, Blog, China, Conspiracy, Constitution, Corporations, COVID19, Crime, Democrats, Disinformation, Economy, Elections, Fraud, James Carner, Politics, Vaccines
For years I have been trying to expose the end game. I write, talk and express concern to friends, family and social media, that a small group of people in the world have an actual plan to take it over. I have read thousands of articles, hundreds of books and watched...
by James Carner | Jun 4, 2020 | Blog, Democrats, James Carner, Kate Brown, Recall, Voting
The last recall effort didn’t work because Kate Brown started one herself and wouldn’t merge the votes together. It’s called “dirty politics”. Now, there are 3 recall petition parties which makes things even worse and more confusing. There is another war on this...
by Leanna Craine | May 30, 2020 | Blog, civil war, Constitution, COVID19, Democrats, Economy, Elections, Fraud, Politics, Protest
What is going on in Democrat states across America, and what are we going to do about it, seems to be the question of the day, as many in Oregon awoke to find protesters set fires to police stations and businesses in Portland and Eugene. Why are they burning their own...
by James Carner | May 19, 2020 | 1984, Blog, Constitution, Democrats, Economy, Fraud, James Carner, Kate Brown, Lawsuit, Liberal, Politics
Kate Brown is playing a dangerous game with the Health and economic welfare of Oregonians by suspending EO-03, which started the entire lock down on March 8, 2020, in order to avoid losing control of the CV-19 narrative and forcing her to re-open Oregon’s economy....
by James Carner | May 5, 2020 | Blog, Democrats, Disinformation, Elections, James Carner, Politics, Trump
Why? Is that a fair question? why would the democrats need to use military grade warfare to win an election? What is the threat? Are Trump supporters all liars? All of them? Are there enough bad Trump supporters to warrant military aggression? “An anti-Trump...
by James Carner | May 4, 2020 | Blog, Conservative, Democrats, Liberal, Republicans, Social Media
It’s easy to point fingers or send a funny gif on social media as you get caught up in herd mentality surrounded by friends who think like you or have the same beliefs. But when you’re locked on a page/post of liberals and you are defenseless against their views, the...
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